We Need your help!

Support the mission of helping churches reach and lead men!

Just like other non-profit organizations, we depend on God to lead others to join with us by praying and by giving to help our mission become a reality. We are grateful for how God has stirred others to stand with REAL MOMENTUM in reaching and leading men, ultimately impacting the family and church.

As 2023 comes to an end, there are 2 ways you can help us by the end of the year.

1. Download our Mission Report and pray through what you read.

2. Support us financially in one of two ways, or both.

—1. We need help with building our mission support team. We have a little over 50 donors that support our mission to reach and lead men. We are asking God to grow our support to by 100 NEW Donors. No matter the monthly donation amount, we’d be honored to have you join our support team!

—2. We need help with one-time gifts toward completing The Cottages so we can begin offering our retreats in the Fall of 2024. God has used several donors to give over $70,000 since November.

Ask God if He would have you to stand with us by praying and giving.

Reaching and Leading Men!

Keith Boggs

MISSION REPORT | 2023-2024

Download your Copy Today!

100 New Donors

Through this sustained support, we will fund ongoing equipping and ministering to men and through men to change families and churches to the ends of the earth.

When you join our Mission 100 Support Team, your recurring contributions directly impact men who desperately need guidance, mentorship, and a support network. Your monthly commitment helps us provide the resources necessary to develop leadership programs, host conferences and retreats, offer coaching services, and so much more.

No matter the monthly donation amount, we’d be honored to have you on our support team!

Year-End Love Offering

Friends, family, and those we’ve had the privilege to serve over the years to pray and ask God about giving a Year-end Love Offering to REAL MOMENTUM by December 31st. 

We are asking God and His people to help us complete The Cottages by the end of the spring. So much has already been accomplished with Brave Bear and The Lodge!  

Would you give a Love Offering to help us fund the completion of The Cottages so we can begin our retreat ministry in the Fall of 2024 at Sanctuary Hills.

Every single donation brings us closer to seeing Sanctuary Hills become a reality. Whether you are a long-time supporter or someone new to our mission, your contribution matters. We firmly believe that together, we can make a lasting difference in the lives of countless men and their families.

Together, let's pave the way for a brighter future for men, families, and churches everywhere.